Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Week 14

A Bird from the Hand

The model for the image is my classmate, Nykki, who graciously posed for my camera.  The piece is rendered onto watercolor paper in calligraphic, waterproof ink by pen, with the later addition of a watercolor wash.  The photograph was altered with tracing paper into tribal designs and then transferred to the paper, where the ink was applied first.  Upon drying, the piece then had watercolor applied directly onto it in the form of several washes.

Through this piece, I wanted to have a kind of connection between the pieces of the varying animals, and the single image of the person done prior.  The piece uses both human and bird forms then, and is given just a light touch of color to bridge between images that carry no color and those with  strong colors.

 The piece has an asymmetrical balance, with the heavier of the two forms being on the left edge, while the lighter bird is more towards the center of the piece.

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